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Which frame field do error detection s

Which frame field do error detection schemes view to perform their function?()

  • A ERR
  • B Flag
  • C FCS
  • D MTU
  • E MAC
  • F PDU

1、Which compensates for errors introduce

Which compensates for errors introduced when the vessel heels over().AThe soft iron spheres on the arms of the binnacleBMagnets placed in trays inside the binnacleCA single vertical magnet beneath the compassDThe Flinders bar

2、Which method is used to detect rot in

Which method is used to detect rot in manila lines?()AFeeling the surface of the line for broken fibersBMeasuring the reduction in circumferen...

3、When placed in a magnetic field, which

When placed in a magnetic field, which of the materials listed will maintain the highest permeability?()AGlassBBakeliteCSoft ironDAluminum

4、Which fire detection system is actuate

Which fire detection system is actuated by sensing a heat rise in a compartment?()AManual fire detection systemBAutomatic fire detection systemCSmoke detection systemDWatchman's supervisory system

5、Which shipboard equipment will detect

Which shipboard equipment will detect a signal from a SART?()AS-Band RadarBA DSC receiverCX-Band RadarDThe autoalarm

6、Which of one the following fields is c

Which of one the following fields is contained within an IEEE Ethernet frame header?()A source and destination MAC addressB source MAC address...