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I .单择.(15分)( )1 The idea to climb the

I .单择.(15分)( )1 The idea to climb the hill_________ great.

  • Atastes
  • Bsounds
  • Csmells
  • Dlooks

1、The idea for the new project came to J

The idea for the new project came to Jack ______ to his study recently.A while devotingB while devoting himselfC while he was devotedD while devoted

2、As to the torn bags,I’ll tell the ship

As to the torn bags,I’ll tell the shipper to()them up.AResewBRejoinCRenailDResolder

3、According to the passage, the Pawnee I

According to the passage, the Pawnee Indians built their houses _____.A with openings in the trunk wallsB large enough for several familiesC in a ring shape with bark and mudDby bending young trees to form. the shape

4、To give us an idea of how large the ra

To give us an idea of how large the rafflesia is, the author uses ______.A the size of an elephant for comparisonB measurementsC comparisons to other flowersD detailed descriptions of the flowers stem

5、Before I got to the cinema, the film()

Before I got to the cinema, the film()Ahad begunBhas begunCis begu

6、The master’s authority to act in the i

The master’s authority to act in the interests of the cargo owner is part of his general authorityas servant of the Shipowner,and therefore()will be liable if the master abuses his powers.Athe ChartererBthe ShipownerCthe shipperDthe cargo owner