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The temperature () a liquid changes it

The temperature () a liquid changes its state from liquid to gas depends upon the liquid itself and upon the pressure () it is subjected in the containing vessel.

  • Aat which/to which
  • Bfrom which/at which
  • Cto which/from which
  • Din which/on which

1、In the process of (), liquid changes i

In the process of (), liquid changes into gas.AevaporationBfrostingCcondensingDcompressing

2、As the ocean water changes to ice, it

As the ocean water changes to ice, it keeps the temperature()falling too far.AwithBintoCbesidesDfrom

3、The volatility of a liquid is the tend

The volatility of a liquid is the tendency of a liquid to ().AigniteBexplodeCasphyxiateDvaporize

4、The most likely location for a liquid

The most likely location for a liquid cargo fire to occur on a tanker would be().Ain the pumproomBat the vent headerCat the main deck manifoldDthe midships house

5、The pressure of a liquid leaving the p

The pressure of a liquid leaving the pump can be referred to as the ().Atotal headBdischarge headCnet positive suction headDsuction head

6、Reducing the liquid free surfaces in a

Reducing the liquid free surfaces in a vessel reduces the().Aroll periodBmetacentric heightCwaterplane areaDvessel's draft