可学答题网 > 问答 > 出租汽车驾驶员考试题库,危货押运员题库
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Get in,please.的汉语是()。

Get in,please.的汉语是()。

  • AA、请上车
  • BB、请下车
  • CC、请停车



1、One of its tasks is to get business in

One of its tasks is to get business information and () new business opportunities for its members.AfindingBto findCfindsDfind

2、1.In Japan,most students get to school

1.In Japan,most students get to school __________A take a subwayB in subwayC at the subwayD by subway

3、Please get into touch()the Foreman.

Please get into touch()the Foreman.AatBforCwithDabout

4、Foreman,the ship(),please get the stev

Foreman,the ship(),please get the stevedores to fill the port wings with heavier packages.Alists to starboardBis shifting to starboardCis inclined to starboardDis listing to starboard

5、He checked in late, () he didn’t get a

He checked in late, () he didn’t get a window seat.AthatBso thatCuntil

6、Please get everything ready prior()shi

Please get everything ready prior()shifting.AonBtoCatDfor