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A fire in an electrical generator is c

A fire in an electrical generator is considered to be ().

  • AClass "A"
  • BClass "B"
  • CClass "C"
  • DClass "D"

1、An example of class "A" fire is a/an (

An example of class "A" fire is a/an ().Aelectrical fire in the engine roomBoil fire in the engine room bilgesCoil fire involving a grade "A" petroleum productDmattress fire in a stateroom

2、A fire is discovered in the bow of you

A fire is discovered in the bow of your vessel while making way. The wind is from ahead at 35 knots. You should().Aremain on course and h...

3、To extinguish an electrical fire, you

To extinguish an electrical fire, you should use ().Amechanical foamBchemical foamCcarbon dioxideDsoda acid

4、When fighting an electrical fire, you

When fighting an electrical fire, you should first ().Astop ventilation to the areaBstop the vesselCsecure electricity to the circuitDapply CO2 to the fire

5、There is a fire in the crew’s quarters

There is a fire in the crew’s quarters of your vessel. You should().Aventilate the quarters as much as possibleBprepare to abandon shipCclose all ventilation to the quarters if possibleDattempt to put the fire out yourself before sounding the alarm

6、A fire in a pile of linen is considere

A fire in a pile of linen is considered to be a class ().AA fireBB fireCC fireDD fire