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A vessel restricted in her ability to

A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver is one which().

  • Athrough some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by the Rules
  • Bfrom the nature of her work is unable to maneuver as required by the Rules
  • Cdue to adverse weather conditions is unable to maneuver as required by the Rules
  • Dhas lost steering and is unable to maneuver

1、()is not a vessel restricted in her ab

()is not a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.AA vessel engaged in laying,servicing or picking up a navigation mark,submarine cabl...

2、To improve your vessel’s stabilty in a

To improve your vessel’s stabilty in a hazardous situation, you should().Aballast deep tanks if they are slackBtransfer ballast athwarshipsCpump out double bottomsDfill double bottom from deep tank

3、In order for a vessel to be engaged in

In order for a vessel to be engaged in fishing she must be().AunderwayBusing gear which extends more than 50 meters outboardCusing a seine of some typeDusing gear which restricts her maneuverability

4、When a vessel is in any doubt as to wh

When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether such a situation exists she shall()that it does exist and act accordingly.AconsumeBassumeCperfumeDresume

5、In the event of a casualty to a vessel

In the event of a casualty to a vessel,who is responsible to make records available to the governmental official authorized to investigate the...

6、To secure a vessel in a particular pla

To secure a vessel in a particular place by means of chains or ropes made frast to the shore, to anchors, or to anchored mooring buoys, or to ride with both anchors down defines().ATo moorBto berthCto anchorDto ride at anchor