可学答题网 > 问答 > 船舶动力装置题库,海船船员考试题库
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All the rings are slightly rounded on

All the rings are slightly rounded on their external top and bottom edges to keep the oil film on the cylinder liner during () for new piston rings.

  • Athe running-in period
  • Bthe running process
  • Cgas exchange process
  • Dthe boiler firing

1、All the activities are in the afternoo

All the activities are in the afternoon except ____ .A Exercises ClassB Travel LectureC Sewing ClassD Painting

2、All the following are the objectives o

All the following are the objectives of ISM code except().Ato ensure safety at seaBto ensure prevention of human injury or loss of lifeCto e...

3、All the prices on

All the prices on the list are subject ()our final confirmation.AtoBatCo

4、The piston rings are manufactured with

The piston rings are manufactured with a diameter () the bore of the cylinder.Alarger thanBsmaller thanCequal toDnone of the above

5、A metal ring on the bottom of a block,

A metal ring on the bottom of a block,to which the standing part of a tackle is spliced,is known as a(n)().AbecketBloopCswivelDeye

6、The sealing rings are in four parts an

The sealing rings are in four parts and pressed together around the piston rods by means of _____AnutsBboltsCcoil springsDstuffing boxes