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Every chart is liable to be incomplete

Every chart is liable to be incomplete().

  • Athe final judge of the reliance the mariner can place on the information given
  • Bits immediate importance cannot always be verified before promulgation
  • Cthrough imperfections in the survey on which it is based,or subsequent alterations to the topography or sea floor
  • Ddeferring the promulgation of certain less important informatio

1、Documentary Collection is to be made w

Documentary Collection is to be made with the documents to be()to the draft.AenclosedBattachedCtogetherDalongwith

2、()is used to protect goods not to be d

()is used to protect goods not to be deteriorated like food and medicine.ApackagingBGreen PackagingCVacuum packagingDSpecial packaging

3、Pan-Pan is to be used to announce().

Pan-Pan is to be used to announce().Aa distress messageBan urgency messageCa safety messageDa message of SMCP

4、The Shipowner continues to be liable a

The Shipowner continues to be liable as a carrier()by the contract,or in the usual course of business,the transit is terminated and the goods have been warehoused for their owner to be ready to receive them.AwhenBthe timeCthe dayDuntil

5、Every precaution must be taken to avoi

Every precaution must be taken to avoid ().Asparking being taking placeBto spark taking placeCsparking to be taken placeDsparking taking place

6、The additional cargo is to be loaded()

The additional cargo is to be loaded()board our ship.AonBinCfromDwith