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The shearing stresses on a ship’s stru

The shearing stresses on a ship’s structure are usually greatest at().

  • Athe bow
  • Bthe stern
  • Cmidships
  • Dthe ship's quarter-length point

1、The shear rams of a ship blowout preve

The shear rams of a ship blowout preventer stack are used in emergency well control to().Aclose and seal around the drill pipeBclose and seal around casingCcut off pipe inside the preventer stackDclose and seal around drill collar

2、On a ship’s crane,the load chart relat

On a ship’s crane,the load chart relates the allowable load to the combination of the boom length and().Awinch speedBboom strengthCload radiusDcable strength

3、If the buoyant force on a ship’s hull

If the buoyant force on a ship’s hull is equal to the displacement tonnage,the ship will().Arequire ballastBbe down by the headCsinkDfloat

4、The limit switches on a ships survival

The limit switches on a ships survival-craft winch system().Astop the winch just before the craft reaches the final stowage positionBlimit the amount of cable on the drumClimit the ascent rateDstop the winch in case the craft weighs too much

5、The deck loads on a ship are distribut

The deck loads on a ship are distributed through the deck beams to the().AframesBhullCstringersDplate

6、Structural stress on a ship can be red

Structural stress on a ship can be reduced by().Alessening the effect of environmental forcesBeven and symmetrical variable loadingClocal concentration of heavy consumablesDincreasing the metacentric height