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The rate of wear on a cylinder liner d

The rate of wear on a cylinder liner depends on the ()

  • Aquality of air filtration
  • Beffectiveness of lubrication
  • Ctype of fuel used
  • Dall of the above

1、The cylinder liner forming the cylinde

The cylinder liner forming the cylinder wall and the inside of the water jacket is called a()Adry linerBwet linerCjacket linerDcorrugated liner

2、Which of the listed cylinder liner sur

Which of the listed cylinder liner surface conditions indicates proper lubrication?()ADull black appearanceBBright appearanceCThin layer of lacquerDThick oily film

3、The withdrawing of the cylinder liners

The withdrawing of the cylinder liners, in general, depends on their ().This may amount to approximately 1/120 of the diameter in some engines.Acorrect maneuveringBwearCworking efficiencyDmaintenance

4、What is a function of the wearing ring

What is a function of the wearing rings used in most centrifugal pumps?()AAbsorb erosion of high velocity discharge streamBSeal pump shaft against entry of airCIsolate the discharge side from the suction sideDDampen the turbulent discharge flow

5、On the top of the cylinder is mounted

On the top of the cylinder is mounted the cylinder cover which is pressed onto () of the cylinder liner by means of nuts and studs.Athe camshaftBthe flangeCthe ridgeDthe bulge

6、The bore of a diesel engine cylinder d

The bore of a diesel engine cylinder describes the ()Aswept volume of the cylinderBinside diameter of the cylinderCpiston displacement in the cylinderDlength of the piston stroke