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I'm tired. I()working very hard.

I'm tired. I()working very hard.

  • Ahave
  • Bam
  • Chad
  • Dhave bee

1、-- I think the Internet is very helpfu

-- I think the Internet is very helpful.--()AYes, so do IBThat’s a very good ideaCNeither do I

2、----I have tried very hard to find a s

----I have tried very hard to find a solution to the problem, but in vain ----why not consult with Frank? You see, _________.A great minds t...

3、I can hardly understand()you said.

I can hardly understand()you said.AwhatBwhichCthatDwho

4、I'm very sorry to have() you with so m

Im very sorry to have() you with so many questions on such an occasion.AinterferedBoffendedCimpressedDbothered

5、It()hard, and I can't go home without

It()hard, and I cant go home without an umbrella.ArainsBrainingCis raining

6、I thought you might be tired, () is wh

I thought you might be tired, () is why I decided to help you.AthatBthisCwhichDas