可学答题网 > 问答 > 狭水道、冰区与运河航行题库
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A vessel shall slacken her speed,stop,

A vessel shall slacken her speed,stop,or reverse her engines,if necessary,to().

  • Aavoid collision
  • Ballow more time to assess the situation
  • Cbe stopped in an appropriate distance
  • DAll of the above

1、In determining a safe speed()shall not

In determining a safe speed()shall not be among those taken into account.Athe characteristics,efficiency and limitation of the radar equipmentBa...

2、A vessel shall so far as practicable a

A vessel shall so far as practicable avoid()in a traffic separation scheme or in areas near its terminations.AsailingBproceedingCanchoringDmaneuvering

3、An over-speed trip stops a diesel engi

An over-speed trip stops a diesel engine when the engine ()Aruns out of fuelBhas low lubricating oil pressureCexceeds a set maximum speedDhas high cooling water temperature

4、A vessel()a crossing vessel,shall not

A vessel()a crossing vessel,shall not normally enter a separation zone or cross a separation line.AincludingBinclusive ofCexcept thatDother tha

5、A vessel()when underway shall so far a

A vessel()when underway shall so far as possible,keep out of the way of a vessel not under command.Ahaving engaged in fishingBengaging in fishingCengaged in fishDengaged in fishing

6、A vessel shall not().

A vessel shall not().Aenter the traffic separation zone in an emergencyBcross a traffic laneCengage in fishing in the separation zoneDproceed in an inappropriate traffic lane