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Safety shackles are fitted with().

Safety shackles are fitted with().

  • Aa threaded bolt
  • Ba round pin,with a cotter pin
  • Ca threaded bolt,locknuts,and cotter pins
  • Dround pins and locknut

1、Fuel oil tanks must be fitted with ()

Fuel oil tanks must be fitted with () that can be closed rapidly and remotely in the event of an emergency such as a fire.Astop valvesBnon-return valvesCquick closing valvesDrelief valve

2、All bilge suctions must be fitted with

All bilge suctions must be fitted with suitable (), which in the machinery space would be mud boxes positioned at floor plate level for easy access.AstrangersBrelief valvesCemergency valvesDstrainer

3、Every lifeboat which is fitted with a

Every lifeboat which is fitted with a fixed two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus with()which is separately mounted shall be provided with arran...

4、Safety of navigation is dealt with in

Safety of navigation is dealt with in chapter V of the SOLAS Convention which identifiescertain navigation safety services which should be provi...

5、A single piece() fitted with bronze ri

A single piece() fitted with bronze rings guides the piston in the cylinder liner.Apiston skirtBpiston crownCguide wayDcross-head

6、Every lifeboat which is fitted with a

Every lifeboat which is fitted with a fixed two-way()radiotelephone apparatus with an antenna which is separately mounted shall be provided with arrangements for sitting and securing the antenna effectively in its operating position.AHFBVHFCMFDMF/HF