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It was()of you not to play the piano w

It was()of you not to play the piano while I was having a sleep.

  • Aconsiderate
  • Bcareful
  • Cconsidering
  • Dconsiderable

1、I am afraid it was a()for you to do th

I am afraid it was a()for you to do this.AbotherBbitterCbakeDband

2、It was ______ the professor regarded w

It was ______ the professor regarded with such contempt.A he whoB him thatC him whoseD those

3、5.—Do you play _________piano in your

5.—Do you play _________piano in your free time?—No,l like sports.l often play _________soccer with my friends.A/,theB the,/C the,theD a,a

4、Which of the following places was NOT

Which of the following places was NOT visited by the family? 请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5小题。 Passage 2 We had been wanting to exp...

5、It is not always easy to tell the righ

It is not always easy to tell the right()the wrong.AfromBwithCthanDto

6、It was not until dawn _ the snowcapped

It was not until dawn _ the snowcapped peak in the remote area in Tibet.Athat they sightedBdid the sightCthat they did not sightDhad they sighted