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()compensation trade,we mean to pay fo

()compensation trade,we mean to pay for your machines with articles produced.

  • AWith
  • Bof
  • CBy
  • DFor



1、When we use the word()we mean that an

When we use the word()we mean that an idea or theory is being applied: that whatever the teacher does, certain theoretical principles are always borne in mind.

2、如果汇票上记载:Pay to B Bank,该汇票()。

如果汇票上记载:Pay to B Bank,该汇票()。A不可转让B经过背书方可转让C凭交付转让

3、技术性贸易壁垒(Technical Barriers to Trade)

技术性贸易壁垒(Technical Barriers to Trade)

4、()compensation trade, we mean to pay f

()compensation trade, we mean to pay for your machines with articles produced.AWithBOfCByDFor

5、汇票背面写明“Pay to×× Co.only”,这种背书属于()。

汇票背面写明“Pay to×× Co.only”,这种背书属于()。A空白背书B特殊背书C限制性背书D无记名背书

6、What do we mean by a perfect English p

What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation? In one (11) there are as many different kinds of English as there are speakers of it. N...