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With the buttress securing system,cont

With the buttress securing system,containers of different heights must be stowed().

  • Aon the bottom tier on deck
  • Bin the hold
  • Cnext to the buttress tower
  • Don the top tier

1、A cabinet or space containing the cont

A cabinet or space containing the controls or valves for the fixed firefighting system must be().Aposted with instructions on the operation of...

2、With ducted air conditioning systems,

With ducted air conditioning systems, the modern tendency is to use()Acentral air conditioning systemBhigh velocity systemClow velocity systemDsingle duct system

3、() systems are provided with a stand-b

() systems are provided with a stand-by device which will automatically be put in use in the even of the running device failing through a fault condition.AAlarmBMonitoringCAuto start-upDNone of the above

4、The securing systems for containers we

The securing systems for containers were developed to prevent container movement during which ship motion?().ASurgeBRollCSwayDYaw

5、The frequency of an alternator is cont

The frequency of an alternator is controlled from the main switchboard by adjusting the()Afrequency meterBvoltage regulatorCgovernor controlDsychroscope switch

6、A cabinet or space containing the cont

A cabinet or space containing the controls or valves for the fixed firefighting system must be().Aposted with instruction on the operation of...