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The remote control for a fixed fire ex

The remote control for a fixed fire extinguishing system should be().

  • Apainted red and labeled
  • Bconcealed from the crew
  • Cprotected by plexiglass
  • Dpadlocked

1、Controls for a fixed carbon dioxide sy

Controls for a fixed carbon dioxide system shall be mounted().Adirectly outside the space protected by the systemBas near the gas cylinders as possibleCin the pilothouseDon the main deck near the bow

2、Control of fire on a ship should be ad

Control of fire on a ship should be addressed().Aimmediately after restoring vital servicesBimmediatelyCfollowing control of floodingDfollowing establishment of fire boundarie

3、The signal for a fire emergency on an

The signal for a fire emergency on an OSV is().Aa 30 second on 30 second off alternating signalBthe continuous blast of the ships whistle f...

4、The emergency signal for fires is soun

The emergency signal for fires is sounded on the ship’s whistle and general alarm as().Aa continuous ringing for 10 secondsBone short ring f...

5、The preferred method of controlling ex

The preferred method of controlling external bleeding is by().Adirect pressure on the woundBelevating the wounded areaCpressure on a pressure pointDa tourniquet above the wound

6、A fire is considered "under control" w

A fire is considered "under control" when ().Aall hands are at their fire stationsBall fire-fighting equipment is at the sceneCthe fixed systems are activatedDthe fire is contained and no longer spreading