可学答题网 > 问答 > 航海通告与警告题库
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A storm is forecast for the area where

A storm is forecast for the area where your vessel is moored. For its safety you should put ().

  • Amore slack in the mooring lines
  • Ba strain on the mooring lines
  • Cchafing gear on the mooring lines
  • Dgrease on the mooring line

1、What is the subnetwork address for a h

What is the subnetwork address for a host with the IP address

2、A vessel is entering port A for the fi

A vessel is entering port A for the first time and has a Pilot conning the vessel. The Master is unsure that the Pilot is taking sufficient...

3、A () is a receipt for the goods shippe

A () is a receipt for the goods shipped and a document of title to the goods, the possession of a() is equivalent in law to possession of the goods.ASeaway billBBill of ladingCLetter of creditDSales confirmation

4、A ship is responsible for the cargo lo

A ship is responsible for the cargo loaded or unloaded().Aonly when the cargo is within its railBafter the cargo is checked by tallymenCas soon as the cargo loading or unloading beginsDduring the time when loading or unloading is going o

5、The reason for making a decision is th

The reason for making a decision is that a problem exists, or something is standing ______the way of accomplishing them.A inB onC byD at

6、()is the price paid to a Shipowner for

()is the price paid to a Shipowner for the transportation of goods or merchandise by seafrom one specific port to another.AFreightBFreight rateCHireDLighterage