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The car will be guided by a differenti

The car will be guided by a differential GPS system that corrects errors()in global positioning satellite signals.

  • Aarising
  • Brise
  • Craise
  • Darouse

1、Free Radio Pratique will be granted by

Free Radio Pratique will be granted by the Port Health Office in the following case () .AVessel with a case or suspected case of infectious...

2、()will be paid by shipowners after tal

()will be paid by shipowners after tallyman doing the tally work.ACargo-handling expensesBTally moneyCCargo-tallying duesDTally fee

3、The heat generated by a fire will be t

The heat generated by a fire will be transferred through a bulkhead or dock, as a result of ().AconductionBradiationCconvectionDadvectio

4、()will be paid by shipowner after tall

()will be paid by shipowner after tallyman doing the tally work.Acargo-handling expenseBtally moneyCcargo-tally duesDtally fee

5、A latitude line will be obtained by ob

A latitude line will be obtained by observing a body ().Aon the prime verticalBon the celestial horizonCat lower transitDon the Greenwich meridia

6、Which of the following will be a conse

Which of the following will be a consequence of defining the column IDCOL2 in TABLE2 as a foreign key referencing the primary key (IDCOL1) of...