可学答题网 > 问答 > 船舶修理业务题库
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If your bridge-to-bridge radiotelephon

If your bridge-to-bridge radiotelephone ceases to operate,you must().

  • Aimmediately anchor your vessel and arrange for repairs to the system
  • Bmoor your vessel at the nearest dock available and arrange for repairs to the system
  • Carrange for the repair of the system to be completed within 48 hours
  • Dexercise due diligence to restore the system at the earliest practicable time

1、If you create your&#

If you create your database using Oracle Managed Files (OMF), what is true?()AYou ...

2、In the Northern Hemisphere,if your ves

In the Northern Hemisphere,if your vessel is in a hurricane’s navigable semicircle it should be positioned with the wind on the().AStarboard...

3、If your radiotelephone fails while und

If your radiotelephone fails while underway,().Ayou must visually signal oncoming vesselsByou must immediately tie up in the nearest port until...

4、If your prices are favorable, we would

If your prices are favorable, we would like to order 1,000 cases____ you.A toB withC forD on

5、If your vessel were proceeding down ri

If your vessel were proceeding down river (descending),a green square marker with a green reflector border on the right bank would be a().Amile boardBdredging markCpassing daymarkDcrossing daymark

6、If the coxswain of your lifeboat gives

If the coxswain of your lifeboat gives the command HOLD WATER you should().Acomplete the stroke,raise your oar slightly,swinging the oar slig...