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Throughout his life, Henry Moore()an i

Throughout his life, Henry Moore()an interest in encouraging art in the city of Leeds.

  • Acontained
  • Bsecured
  • Creserved
  • Dmaintained

1、An inflatable life raft can be launche

An inflatable life raft can be launched by().Athe floating-free method onlyBbreaking the weak link on the painterCthrowing the entire container overboard and then pulling an the operatingDremoving the securing stra

2、I hesitated about taking his side unti

I hesitated about taking his side until I knew the whole story.()A对是否支持他我一直犹豫不决,在了解整个情况后就站在他一边了。B在了解全部真相之前我一直...

3、An inflation life raft should be lifed

An inflation life raft should be lifed back aboard the ship by using().Athe single hook at the top of the raftBtwo lines passed under the raftCthe towing bridleDAll of the above

4、The inside light in an inflatable life

The inside light in an inflatable liferaft is turned on().Aautomatically as the liferaft inflatesBwith a switch near the boarding handleCat night because the light has a photosensitive switchDby screwing the bulb in after the raft is inflated

5、I think what()me about his painting is

I think what()me about his painting is the colours he uses.AappealBappeal toCappealsDappeals to

6、But for his help, I ()(我不可能这么早完成).

But for his help, I ()(我不可能这么早完成).