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Nice to see you. I()you for a long tim

Nice to see you. I()you for a long time.

  • Ahaven't seen
  • Bdidn't see
  • Chadn't seen
  • Ddon't see

1、I am afraid it was a()for you to do th

I am afraid it was a()for you to do this.AbotherBbitterCbakeDband

2、“Nice to see you again.”的意思是()。

“Nice to see you again.”的意思是()。AA、你好吗BB、希望下次见到您CC、欢迎下次再来DD、很高兴再次见到您

3、Whom are you looking()?I want to see y

Whom are you looking()?I want to see your Chief Mate.AonBinCforDat

4、You need to produce a report for mail

You need to produce a report for mailing labels for all customers. The mailing label must have only the customer name and address. The CUSTOM...

5、-Nice to meet you. -()

-Nice to meet you. -()AFine, thank you.BHow are you?CNice to meet you, too.DThank you

6、34.—Would you like to go and see a fil

34.—Would you like to go and see a film?—Sure, the TV programmes are too ________ .A surprisingB interestingC excitingD boring