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The mariner must be the final judge of

The mariner must be the final judge of the reliance he can place on the information given in the Admiralty charts and other publications,since they().

  • Amay always be complete and up-to-date
  • Bmay not always be complete and up-to-date
  • Cmay sometimes be complete and up-to-date
  • Dmay not sometimes be complete and up-to-date

1、What is the final step of the core bas

What is the final step of the core baselining process?()A Implement threshold monitoring using RMON.B Implement monitoring using SNMP or RMON.C...

2、The helicopter deck of a ship must be

The helicopter deck of a ship must be marked with the units identification,appropriate aiming circles,and a continuous line on the perimeter which is().A8 inches wideB16 inches wideC24 inches wideD32 inches wide

3、The members in the Senate must be at l

The members in the Senate must be at least ()years old and those in the Representative ()years old.A40,30B30,26C30,25

4、9 Which of the following items must be

9 Which of the following items must be disclosed in a company’s published financial statements (including notes)Aif material, according to IAS1...

5、The fire pumps must be capable of deli

The fire pumps must be capable of delivering a total quantity of water at a defined head, not less than _____ of the total bilge pumping capacity.Aone-thirdBtwo-thirdsCone-fourthDtwo-fourths

6、The cargo must be loaded within the ti

The cargo must be loaded within the time stipulated by the charter-party,otherwise the Charterer will have to pay().AdespatchBdemurrageCdetentionDdamage