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Where a charter-party specifies the es

Where a charter-party specifies the estimated time of arrival of a vessel at the port of loading,there is()obligation on the shipowners to sail to there on the date on which when proceeding with all convenient speed it would normally reach the port on or about the estimated date of arrival.

  • Aan optional
  • Ba reasonable
  • Can absolute
  • Drational

1、Where a time charter-party is wrongful

Where a time charter-party is wrongfully(),the Charterer is entitled to claim damages amounting the difference between the contract rate for th...

2、The fact that a charter-party()more ex

The fact that a charter-party()more expensive for a party to perform is not sufficient to bring about its frustrationAincursBoccursCsuffersDbecome

3、Where a clause in a charter-party stat

Where a clause in a charter-party stated Charterers to have full use of the ship’s gear as on board,it was held()this did not imply that the Charterers were to be responsible for stowage.AwhenBwhereCwhichDthat

4、The place where a channel moves from a

The place where a channel moves from along one bank of the river over to the other bank of the river is called a().AdraftBcutoffCdrawDcrossing

5、A vessel towing where the tow prevents

A vessel towing where the tow prevents her from changing course shall carry().Aonly the lights for a vessel towingBonly the lights for a ves...

6、You specify a nonzero value for the ME

You specify a nonzero value for the MEMORY_TARGET initialization parameter, but do not set thePGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET or the SGA_TARGET parameters. Y...