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In Feb. ()came President Nixon’s histo

In Feb. ()came President Nixon’s historic visit to China.

  • A1979
  • B1972
  • C1973

1、We came finally()the conclusion that s

We came finally()the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.AofBintoCtoDat

2、A president can serve()term(s).

A president can serve()term(s).Aonly one BtwoCmore than two Das many as four

3、In a central cooling system, used in s

In a central cooling system, used in some modem ships, sea water is supplied to cool ()which will circulate to other individual cooler, greatly reducing the corrosion problems.Afresh waterBsea waterCcooling oilDemulsio

4、When a ship is in summer zone and in s

When a ship is in summer zone and in seawater of density1025,she must not load to more than the upper edge of the line marked().ASBTCWDF

5、In a central cooling system, used in s

In a central cooling system, used in some modem ships, sea water is supplied to cool ()which will circulate to other individual cooler, greatly reducing the corrosion problems.Amain bearingsBsea waterCcooling oilDlower temperature fresh water

6、In 1992()ran for the President as an i

In 1992()ran for the President as an independent candidate.ABill Clinton BRoss PerotCBob Dole DGeorge Bush