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Oxbridge graduates make ______only two

Oxbridge graduates make ______only two percent of the total number of students who graduate from British universities.

  • A of
  • B to
  • C up
  • D about

[解析] 此句意为牛津与剑桥大学的毕业生仅占全英总大学生数的2%,make up为固定用法,意为组成,构成。


1、Not only ______ study well,but also he

Not only ______ study well,but also he is always ready to help others.A he doesB he didC does heD did he

2、I am still unable to make myself______

I am still unable to make myself______________in the discussion, which worries me a lot.Ato be understoodBunderstandingCunderstoodDunderstand

3、Only when we hurried to the airport___

Only when we hurried to the airport__________the flight was cancelled.A we foundB did we findC have we foundD we have found

4、2. You_________ make the dishes if you

2. You_________ make the dishes if you don t like to.A have not toB has not toC dont have toD doesn’t have to

5、____ makes it possible for language us

____ makes it possible for language users to overcome the limitations of time and space in communication.AArbitrarinessBDualityCProductivityDDisplacement

6、7. Only in this way ______ improve you

7. Only in this way ______ improve your spoken English.Acan youByou canC,/Din