可学答题网 > 问答 > 航海日志的填写题库
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When recording the wind direction in t

When recording the wind direction in the weather log,you would report the().

  • Adirection the wind is blowing toward
  • Bdirection the wind is blowing from
  • Cduration of the maximum gust of wind
  • Dwind chill factor

1、When force of winds reaches 10-11 in B

When force of winds reaches 10-11 in Beaufort scale,we usually call such wind().AGaleBStormCHurricaneDTyphoo

2、When making entries in the Oil Record

When making entries in the Oil Record Book, all quantifies should be().Arecorded as cubic meters with a conversion to barrelsBverified by the...

3、When reporting wind direction, you sho

When reporting wind direction, you should give the direction in().Atrue degreesBmagnetic compass degreeCrelative degreesDisobaric degree

4、When the direction handle of telegraph

When the direction handle of telegraph is moved, the relative position of camshaft and crankshaft will be()Achanged accordinglyBunchangedCpositioned aheadDpositioned aster

5、In the Southern Hemisphere winds in a

In the Southern Hemisphere winds in a low pressure system rotate in a().Aclockwise directionBnortheasterly directionCnortherly directionDcounterclockwise directio

6、When the students listen to recorded m

When the students listen to recorded materials there is very little opportunity for immediate interaction.()A正确B错误