可学答题网 > 问答 > 海事、海关、检疫、移民局等报表题库
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The master got permission to pump out

The master got permission to pump out 500 tons of clean sea water for ().

  • Athe purpose of trimming
  • Bthe approval for ballast
  • Cthe purpose of voyage
  • Dthe approval for operatio

1、I herely request permission to()the sh

I herely request permission to()the ship hull for routine maintenance.Aput paint onBapply paint ontoCoilDpaint

2、Permission is requested to pump out ab

Permission is requested to pump out about 200 tons of clean sea ballast water for () purposes.Asafe manningBtrimmingCavoiding collisionDpreventing pollutio

3、Pump out No.2 port ballast tank to().

Pump out No.2 port ballast tank to().Akeep vessel afloatingBrefloat vessel listing to starboardCmake vessel all-rightDbring vessel upright

4、I hereby request permission to()the sh

I hereby request permission to()the ship hull for routine maintenance.Aput paint onBapply paint ontoCoilDpaint

5、I hereby request permission to()the sh

I hereby request permission to()the ship hull for routine maintenance.AoperateBrepairCoilDpaint

6、Before I got to the cinema, the film()

Before I got to the cinema, the film()Ahad begunBhas begunCis begu