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Any action taken to avoid collision sh

Any action taken to avoid collision shall,if the circumstances of the case admit,().

  • Abe positive
  • Bbe positive and made in ample time
  • Cbe positive,made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good seamanship
  • Dbe positive,made in ample time,with due regard to the observance of good seamanship and avoiding complying with local regulatio

1、To avoid scavenge fires occurring the

To avoid scavenge fires occurring the engine timing and equipment maintenance ().Ashould be correctly carried outBshould correctly be taken placeCshould carded with careDmust to carry out with great care

2、Which action should be taken on receip

Which action should be taken on receipt of a GMDSS distress alert().ARead the display screen and/or printoutBSilence the alarmCListen for any follow up voice/telex transmission on the appropriate frequencyDAll of the above

3、They were asked to avoid()any water wh

They were asked to avoid()any water which had not been boiled.AdrinkingBnot to be drunkCto drinkDhaving

4、I can not take any actions to avoid cl

I can not take any actions to avoid close quarters situation with you,because your navigation lights().Ais not visibleBare not invisibleCare not visibleDcan easily be see

5、Any action to avoid collision shall,if

Any action to avoid collision shall,if the circumstances of the case admit,(),made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good seamanship.Abe initiativeBbe positiveCbe negativeDbe positively

6、The following actions can be taken to

The following actions can be taken to remove a fileset EXCEPT.()ARemoving a fileset update leaving the base filesetBRemoving a base fileset in...