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Our ship()to her home port Yantai agai

Our ship()to her home port Yantai again.

  • Ahas returned
  • Bhave returned
  • Chas return
  • Dhave retur

1、My ship will arrive()Port Said()Sunday

My ship will arrive()Port Said()Sunday.Ain,atBat,onCon,byDto,before

2、Our ship will arrive()Port of Hongkong

Our ship will arrive()Port of Hongkong on Sunday.AinBatConDto

3、The ship touched the bottom()the port

The ship touched the bottom()the port side at 2000 hours.AonBatCinDto

4、Our ship()with many modern navigationa

Our ship()with many modern navigational instruments.AequippedBis equippedCequipsDhas equipped

5、__________all our kindness to help her

__________all our kindness to help her,Sarah refused to listen to us.AAtBForCInDOn

6、Anne()from outside her home last Wedne

Anne()from outside her home last Wednesday.AappearedBvanishedClostDentered