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If two sailing vessels are running fre

If two sailing vessels are running free with the wind on the same side, which one must keep clear of the other?().

  • AThe one with the wind closest abeam
  • BThe one to windward
  • CThe one to leeward
  • DThe one that sounds the first whistle signal

1、There are two classes of vessels which

There are two classes of vessels which,to the extent necessary to carry out their work,do not have to comply with the rule regarding traffic...

2、If you are sailing from the East Coast

If you are sailing from the East Coast of the United States to the Caribbean Sea,which publication would contain information on weather,curren...

3、Two vessels are abreast of each other

Two vessels are abreast of each other and passing port to port in a confined waterway. What should you expect as your bow approaches the scr...

4、Two vessels()while they „re sail

Two vessels()while they „re sailing in Huangpu River.AstrikeBstrikesCare strikingDstruck

5、Sailing vessels are stand-on over powe

Sailing vessels are stand-on over power-driven vessels except().Ain a crossing situationBin a meeting situationCwhen they are the overtaking vesselDon the inland waters of the PR China

6、When two power-driven vessels are meet

When two power-driven vessels are meeting head-on and there is a risk of collision,each shall().Astop her enginesBalter course to starboardCsound the danger signalDback dow