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Whom are you looking()?I want to see y

Whom are you looking()?I want to see your Chief Mate.

  • Aon
  • Bin
  • Cfor
  • Dat

1、I don't want you to make any trouble,(

I dont want you to make any trouble,(), I urge you to solve the problem.AthusBconsequentlyCon the contraryDjust a

2、“Nice to see you again.”的意思是()。

“Nice to see you again.”的意思是()。AA、你好吗BB、希望下次见到您CC、欢迎下次再来DD、很高兴再次见到您

3、Nice to see you. I()you for a long tim

Nice to see you. I()you for a long time.Ahaven't seenBdidn't seeChadn't seenDdon't see

4、If you want a pen, look inside the()of

If you want a pen, look inside the()of the desk.AboxBdrawerCmajorDmelt

5、You are about to configure PPP n the i

You are about to configure PPP n the interface of a Cisco router. Which authentication methods could you use?()ASSLBSLIPCPAPDLAPBECHAPFVNP

6、My sister wanted to look for a job her

My sister wanted to look for a job here _______ her abilities.A suited toB suiting toC suitedD and to suit