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Main steam and exhaust pipes for winch

Main steam and exhaust pipes for winches and similar gear shall not pass through crew accommodation nor, whenever technically possible, through alleyways leading to crew accommodation; where they do pass through such alleyways, they shall be adequately ().

  • Aventilated and tagged
  • Bventilated and cooled down
  • Cinsulated and encased
  • Dinsulated and warmed u

1、Between the steam dram and the smaller

Between the steam dram and the smaller water dram below, large numbers of smaller diameter () tubes are fitted.AfireBwater wallCgeneratingDdown comer

2、The system of derricks and winches has

The system of derricks and winches has been largely replaced on newer ships by cranes()it is very efficient.AwhenBbecauseCunlessDthough

3、The engine()smoke and steam.

The engine()smoke and steam.Agives upBgives awayCgives inDgives off

4、The()is fitted in the main steam suppl

The()is fitted in the main steam supply line and is usually of the non-return type.Amain steam stop valveBauxiliary steam stop valveCfeed check or control valveDblow down valve

5、()is a caing used for exhaust pipe fro

()is a caing used for exhaust pipe from the engines.AThe funnelBThe messroomCThe galleyDThe satellite antenna

6、In an auxiliary boiler steam and water

In an auxiliary boiler steam and water system, the highest pressure will be in the ().Asteam stop valveBdry pipeCfeedwater systemDgenerating tube