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()is your maximum draught,please?

()is your maximum draught,please?

  • AHow
  • BWhat
  • CWhere
  • DThat

1、What is the maximum&

What is the maximum number of wireless controllers that the highest-end Cisco WCS server canmanage?()A35B50C100D250

2、What is the maximum&

What is the maximum number of users that can be added to an autonomous access&#81...

3、Please tell your officers()them carefu

Please tell your officers()them carefully.AwatchBto watchCwatchingDwatched

4、Vessel constrained by her draught is()

Vessel constrained by her draught is().Aa non-power driven vesselBa sailing vesselCa power driven vesselDa power driven vessel or a non-power driven vessel

5、()is the maximum speed of your ship?

()is the maximum speed of your ship?AHowBWhichCHow aboutDWhat

6、The ship’s draught forward is as same

The ship’s draught forward is as same as her draught aft. This condition is named as().Aeven keelBeven trimCeven draughtDeven float