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Firefighting foam is only effective wh

Firefighting foam is only effective when the foam().

  • Apenetrates to the bottom of the fire
  • Bis kept saturated with low-velocity water fog
  • Cmixes with the burning fuel oil
  • Dcompletely covers the top of the burning liquid

1、The only access()their house is along

The only access()their house is along a narrow road.AtoBofCatDo

2、Roman control was only effective in().

Roman control was only effective in().AScotlandBWalesCLondonDThe southeast of Britai

3、What is an advantage of using foam in

What is an advantage of using foam in fire fighting?()AIt is effective in controlling fire in flowing oil such as coming from a broken fuel...

4、Any firefighting equipment that is car

Any firefighting equipment that is carried in addition to the minimum required must().Ameet the applicable standardsBbe marked as additional equipmentCbe stowed in a separate areaDAll of the above

5、If a fixed foam firefighting system on

If a fixed foam firefighting system on a ship is not of the premix type,a sample of the foam liquid must be tested by().Aa Coast Guard i...

6、Is extra power available()emergency wh

Is extra power available()emergency while maneuvering?AforBinCduringDto