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There is a serious liability()performa

There is a serious liability()performance and fuel efficiency.

  • Ain time of
  • Bin case of
  • Cin terms of
  • Din honour of

1、There is a lack of consistency between

There is a lack of consistency between()and pronunciation in English.

2、There is a growing realization that th

There is a growing realization that the only effective way to achieve further reductions in vehicle()is to replace conventional diesel fuel and gasoline with cleaner-burning fuels.ApermissionBemissionComissionDMissio

3、There is a drifting mine()in position

There is a drifting mine()in position 21 degrees 31 minutes North 124 degrees 20 minutes East.AreportBreportsCreportedDreporting

4、A(n)()indicates that there is serious

A(n)()indicates that there is serious danger for vessel, crew and passenger.Adistress alertBurgency messageCsafety messageDroutine message

5、There is a possibility that small vess

There is a possibility that small vessel,ice and other floating objects may not be()by radar at an adequate range.AreflectBshownCdetectedDdefected

6、There is a connectivity problem betwe

There is a connectivity problem between the serial 0/0 interface of router TESTKING1 and the serial 0/0 interface of TESTKING2. A leased line ...