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Usually we take the cooling effect of

Usually we take the cooling effect of the air flown through the cylinder during the overlap period as()

  • Ainevitable
  • Bharmful
  • Chelpful
  • Dunacceptable

1、As to the piston cooling, of the follo

As to the piston cooling, of the following, which statement is not true?()ABecause the piston is exposed to very high temperature, it must b...

2、Which of the following usually causes

Which of the following usually causes a tree to grow unhealthy?A Giving a tree a special shape and a definite height.B Removing small side br...

3、The purpose of treating the cooling w

The purpose of treating the cooling water of the diesel engine is to()Ⅰ. resist the scale formation in the cooling chamberⅡ.lubricate the engine partⅢ.increase thermal capacityⅣ.resist corrosionAⅠ+ⅡBⅡ+ⅢCⅢ+ⅣDⅠ+Ⅳ

4、The cooling water of the diesel engine

The cooling water of the diesel engine should be treated, because it has()Aalkale scenceBacidityCsalinityDimpurity

5、One of the methods NOT usually allowed

One of the methods NOT usually allowed in cleaning up oil spills in the United States is ().AskimmersBstrawCdispersantsDsawdust

6、The cooling of the piston is carried o

The cooling of the piston is carried out by circulating () across the underside of the crown and inside the ring belt or through specially shaped passages.Asea waterBscavenging airClubricating oilDfuel oil