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()is not a step for anchoring preparat

()is not a step for anchoring preparation.

  • ATo take off the covers from the hawse pipes and clear the spurling pipes
  • BTo make sure that the windlass is out of gear and the brakes are on
  • CTo turn the windlass over slowly
  • DTo inform the engine room to ensure that deck power and water are off

1、It is not advisable to use nylon for a

It is not advisable to use nylon for alongside towing because it().Ais too expensive for everyday towing usageBbinds on the cleatsCparts too readilyDstrethes too much

2、For a general cargo ship, is not the n

For a general cargo ship, is not the necessary certificate/document that the PSCO will examine()ASurvey Report FileBMinimum Safe Manning documentCCertificates of CompetencyDInternational Oil Pollution Preventio

3、Nylon line is NOT suitable for().

Nylon line is NOT suitable for().AtowingBlashingsCstoppersDmooring line

4、Which step is NOT generally taken when

Which step is NOT generally taken when gas-freeing a tank?().AWashing the tank interior with sea waterBApplication of degreasing solventsCRemoval of corrosion products and sludgeDFresh air ventilatio

5、For existing ships,()is not an improve

For existing ships,()is not an improvement to safety.Athe reinforcement of the aft transverse watertight bulkheadBthe double bottom structure in...

6、A vessel is()when she is not at anchor

A vessel is()when she is not at anchor,made fast to the shore,or aground.AunderwayBmaking wayCdead in the waterDa power driven vessel