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When fuel oil is accidentally missed

When fuel oil is accidentally missed with lube oil which of the following processes can be used to separate them?() Ⅰ.filtering Ⅱ.settling

  • AⅠ only
  • BⅡ only
  • Ceither Ⅰ or Ⅱ
  • Dneither Ⅰ or Ⅱ

1、Your vessel is taking on fuel oil when

Your vessel is taking on fuel oil when a small leak develops in the hose and you have ordered the pumping stoppedBefore resuming pumping,you...

2、When oil is accidentally discharged in

When oil is accidentally discharged into the water,what should you do after reporting the discharge().AContain the oil and remove as much of...

3、In a typical fuel system, the oil is s

In a typical fuel system, the oil is stored in () in the double bottom.Asetting tanksBservice tanksCtanksDdrain tank

4、When the fuel oil is burning in the co

When the fuel oil is burning in the combustion chamber, it ().Agives up large amount of heatBgives off large amount of heatCgives up large amount of steamDgives off large amount of steam

5、When you are transferring fuel oil to

When you are transferring fuel oil to the setting tanks, precautions to be observed should include ()Aplugging gooseneck tank vents to prevent...

6、Heavy fuel oils when spilled are().

Heavy fuel oils when spilled are().Amore harmful to sea life than lighter oilsBeasier to clean up than lighter refined oilsCless harmful to sea life than lighter oilsDnot a real threat to marine life