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If the detergent type lubricating oil

If the detergent type lubricating oil being used in a diesel engine is black, the oil ()

  • Amust be centrifuged
  • Bmust by filtered
  • Cmust be changed
  • Dis holding finely dispersed carbon in suspensio

1、The removal of () from lubricating oil

The removal of () from lubricating oil will reduce engine wear and possible breakdowns.Acontaminating waterBcontaminated additivesCcontaminated fuelDcontaminating impuritie

2、The ability of lubricating oils to res

The ability of lubricating oils to resist viscosity changes during temperature changes is indicated by the()AAmerican PetroleumBInstitute number viscosity index numberCSeconds Saybolt Furol numberDSeconds Saybolt Universal number

3、The remaining oil in the lubricating p

The remaining oil in the lubricating pipes and ducts should be blown out with ().AatmosphereBthe fresh waterCcompressed airDchemical compound

4、The selection of a lubricating oil dep

The selection of a lubricating oil depends to a great extent on the operating conditions,().Athe type of coolantBthe design of the engineCthe type of fuel to be burnedDB and C

5、Sludge may form in the lubricating oil

Sludge may form in the lubricating oil crankcase of a reciprocating air conditioning compressor as a result of ().Awax precipitation in the l...

6、The amount of lubricating oil in the d

The amount of lubricating oil in the drain tank should be checked by ().AmeasuringBsounding rodCmeteringDweighting