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Knowledge Consistence Checker (KCC)的功能

Knowledge Consistence Checker (KCC)的功能是什么()

  • A检查手工创建的连接对象的有效性和完整性
  • B管理自动生成的连接对象的创造和维护复制拓扑结构
  • C当手工连接对象创建时自动地重新调整复制拓扑结构
  • D当复制通信量增加时创建附加的连接对象;当复制通信量减少时,它删除附加的连接对象

1、一个决策支持系统的概念结构一般包括()、知识系统(Knowledge Sys

一个决策支持系统的概念结构一般包括()、知识系统(Knowledge System,简称KS)和问题处理系统(Problem Processing System,简称PPS)。

2、The Chief Checker reminded the Chief O

The Chief Checker reminded the Chief Officer()the dried turnips on top of the turpentine.Ato put notBnot to putCof puttingDof not putting

3、知识管理(Knowledge Management,简称KM)

知识管理(Knowledge Management,简称KM)

4、英译中:Knowledge management

英译中:Knowledge management

5、Conscious knowledge of rules does not

Conscious knowledge of rules does not help acquisition according to Krashen.()A正确B错误

6、Project() Management is the Knowledge

Project() Management is the Knowledge Area that employs the processes required to ensure timely and appropriate generation, collection, distribut...