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Stuffer-braid rope has().

Stuffer-braid rope has().

  • Aa yarn core
  • Bno core
  • Cthree strands
  • D12 thread

1、Temporary seizings on wire rope are ma

Temporary seizings on wire rope are made with().AmarlineBsail twineCtapeDwire

2、The rope which is rove from the truck

The rope which is rove from the truck to be used with a bos’n chair is called a().AgantlineBlife lineCstropDwhi

3、An advantage of nylon rope over manila

An advantage of nylon rope over manila rope is that nylon rope().Acan hold a load even when a considerable number of the yarns have been a...

4、When cutting wire rope,seizings are pu

When cutting wire rope,seizings are put on each side of the cut.The seizings prevent the wire from unlaying and also().AMaintain the original...

5、A wire rope that has been overstrained

A wire rope that has been overstrained will show().Aa bulge in the wire where the strain occurredBa decrease in diameter where the strain occurredCa kink in the wire where the strain occurredDno visible effects of an overstrai

6、An advantage of nylon rope over manila

An advantage of nylon rope over manila rope is that nylon rope().Acan be used in conjunction with wire or spring-lay ropeBcan be stored on ...