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A liquid indicator sight glass is usef

A liquid indicator sight glass is useful in determining whether or not a refrigeration system is sufficiently chargedIt is generally located in the().

  • Ahigh pressure liquid line
  • Blow pressure liquid line
  • Chigh pressure vapor line
  • Dlow pressure vapor line

1、The volatility of a liquid is the tend

The volatility of a liquid is the tendency of a liquid to ().AigniteBexplodeCasphyxiateDvaporize

2、A vessel is “in sight” of another vess

A vessel is “in sight” of another vessel when().Ashe can be observed by radarBshe can be observed visually from the other vesselCshe can be plotted on radar well enough to determine her headingDher fog signal can be heard

3、A(n)()indicates that there is serious

A(n)()indicates that there is serious danger for vessel, crew and passenger.Adistress alertBurgency messageCsafety messageDroutine message

4、The indication of a slipping anchor is

The indication of a slipping anchor is a(n)().Adecrease in mooring line lengthBincrease in the opposite amperageCincrease in the opposite line tensionDdecrease in mooring line tension and amperage

5、The indication of a slipping anchor is

The indication of a slipping anchor is a(n)().ADecrease in mooring line lengthBIncrease in the opposite amperageCIncrease in the opposite line tensionDDecrease in mooring line tension and amperage

6、A liquid sight flow indicator in a ref

A liquid sight flow indicator in a refrigeration system is examined and gas bubbles are noted in motion with the fluid flowThis means ().Ath...