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Prescription charges do not apply to t

Prescription charges do not apply to the following people except()

  • Aself-employed people
  • Bchild under 16
  • Cwar and armed forces disablement pensioners
  • Dwomen aged 60 and over and men aged 65 and over

1、A parallax correction is NOT applied t

A parallax correction is NOT applied to observations of the().AstarsBMoonCSunDPlanet

2、Please arrange for the workers to do t

Please arrange for the workers to do the()work during loading the trucks and heavy cargo on the ship,and also supply the necessary materials for the work.AlashingBshiftingCliftingDtallying

3、In deciding to detain a ship or not, t

In deciding to detain a ship or not, the PSCO would better not()Amake his decision independentlyBrequest the owner’s representative to pr...

4、()is not ordinarily applied to passeng

()is not ordinarily applied to passenger or to combination passenger and freight ships.Adisplacement tonnageBdeadweight tonnageCregistered tonnageDgross tonnage

5、在CAP信令中,一般情况下SCP给SSP下发的Apply Charging消

在CAP信令中,一般情况下SCP给SSP下发的Apply Charging消息所带的最大通话时长通常最大为()分钟。A15B5C30D10

6、Why was the writer told not to go to t

Why was the writer told not to go to the park by his mother?A It was being rebuilt.B It was dangerous.C it because crowded.D it had turned into a desert.