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0ne of the principal dangers inherent

0ne of the principal dangers inherent in liquified petroleum gas is().

  • Aas it warms up it becomes heavier than air
  • Bthe way it reacts with sea water
  • Cthe strong odor it produces
  • Dits low temperature causes frostbite or freezing

1、The principal danger from ice collecti

The principal danger from ice collecting on a vessel is the().Adecrease in capabilities of radarBdecrease in displacementCadverse effect on trimDloss of stability

2、The principal purpose of adjustment of

The principal purpose of adjustment of the magnetic compass is to eliminate()as far as possible.AvariationBcompass errorCdeviationDearth's magnetic force

3、There is a danger of the starting curr

There is a danger of the starting current that the windings are burnt out()Ato increaseBto be so increasedCincreasedDbeing so increased

4、0ne of the limitations of foam as an e

0ne of the limitations of foam as an extinguishing agent is that foam().Acannot be made with salt waterBis heavierthan oil and sinks below its surfaceCis corrosive and to fire fightersDconducts electricity

5、What is the principal danger from the

What is the principal danger from the liquid in a half full tank onboard a vessel?()ACorrosion from the shifting liquidBRupturing of bulkheads...

6、The dangerous semicircle of a typhoon

The dangerous semicircle of a typhoon in the Southern Hemisphere is that area().Ameasured from due south clockwise 180°Bmeasured from due s...