目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

Her powers of persuasion were ______no

Her powers of persuasion were ______no avail.

  • A to
  • B in
  • C off
  • D on

[解析] 她的说服力也无济于事。to no avail:无用。


1、The ____________ shoes were covered wi

The ____________ shoes were covered with mud, so I asked them to take them off before they got into __________ car.A girl’s; Tom’sB girls’; Toms’C girls’; Tom’sD girl’s; Toms’

2、______ I like about her is her diligen

______ I like about her is her diligence.A ThatB HowC WhatD Which

3、I had no ______of who I was or what I

I had no ______of who I was or what I was going to be.A mindB ideaC thinkD thought

4、_______conscious of her moral obligati

_______conscious of her moral obligations as a citizen.AMarsha was and always will beBMarsha has to be and always will beCMarsha had been and will always beDMarsha has been and will always be

5、The unit of electrical power is the __

The unit of electrical power is the _____.AampereBkilovoltCwattDfarad

6、It is of no use ______ about it, becau

It is of no use ______ about it, because he will never change his mind.A to argueB arguingC arguedD to have argued