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An idle youth, a needy age.

An idle youth, a needy age.


1、The health seeking youths can followin

The health seeking youths can following the()of natural living.AprinciplesBprincipalsCprincipalityDprince

2、An example of class "A" fire is a/an (

An example of class "A" fire is a/an ().Aelectrical fire in the engine roomBoil fire in the engine room bilgesCoil fire involving a grade "A" petroleum productDmattress fire in a stateroom

3、An example of a messenger is a().

An example of a messenger is a().AfairleadBheaving lineCstayDwar

4、If an anchor windlass has been idle fo

If an anchor windlass has been idle for some time, you should ().Arepack all valve stemsBlubricate it prior to useCreplace the foundation boltsDbalance the warping head

5、An advantage of a dry chemical over a

An advantage of a dry chemical over a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is its().Agreater rangeBeffectiveness on all types of firesCcleanlinessDAll of the above

6、IDLE状态下,UE在TAUrequest消息中未设置an active标识

IDLE状态下,UE在TAUrequest消息中未设置an active标识,则TAU完成后()NAS信令连接。A保持B建立C更新D释放