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Lubricating oil systems are fitted wit

Lubricating oil systems are fitted with a wide variety of strainers some of which can be cleaned in site while others have replaceable cartridgesThe bold and italic word “which” means ().

  • Alubricating oil
  • Blubricating oil systems
  • Cstrainers
  • Dcartridge

1、If the detergent type lubricating oil

If the detergent type lubricating oil being used in a diesel engine is black, the oil ()Amust be centrifugedBmust by filteredCmust be changedDis holding finely dispersed carbon in suspensio

2、The removal of () from lubricating oil

The removal of () from lubricating oil will reduce engine wear and possible breakdowns.Acontaminating waterBcontaminated additivesCcontaminated fuelDcontaminating impuritie

3、() fuel oils () lubricating oils requi

() fuel oils () lubricating oils require treatment before passing to the engine.ABoth;andBNeither;norCEither;orDBoth;or

4、Loss of lubricating oil pressure to th

Loss of lubricating oil pressure to the main propulsion diesel engine will actuate a/an ().Aoverspeed tripBaudible/visual alarmCthe ships/boats general alarmDreserve oil storage tank

5、I hereby()that my vessel is fitted wit

I hereby()that my vessel is fitted with a rudder angle indicator and an engine revolution indicator on the bridge in such a position that t...

6、Which lubricating oil additive is used

Which lubricating oil additive is used in diesel engines to reduce the tendency for sludge and varnish to form on the engine parts?()AFlash point improversBPour point improversCInhibitorsDFoam suppressor