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I haven't read()book, but I read half

I haven't read()book, but I read half of it. At least I know something about the subject now

  • Awhole
  • Bthe whole
  • Call of
  • Dall



2、I () that book. 【read】  我已经读过那本书了。

I () that book. 【read】  我已经读过那本书了。

3、)29. Before reading their books,the ol

)29. Before reading their books,the old people in the restaurant _______ .A put their glasses onB drank teaC took their glasses offD bought glasses

4、I()reading novels()watching movies. I

I()reading novels()watching movies. I like my own imagination when I read them.Awouldrather;thanBprefer;toCprefer;tha

5、I read you()single strength 5.

I read you()single strength 5.AinBonCwithDby

6、---I haven’t got the reference book ye

---I haven’t got the reference book yet, but I’ll have a test on the subject next month.---Don’t worry. You______ have it by Friday.A couldB shallC mustD may