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Which of the following statements abou

Which of the following statements about labor unions can be concluded based on the information in the passage?

  • A Labor unions reached their peak of power in the 1986's.
  • B It. took labor unions many years to improve conditions for workers.
  • C The early labor unions failed .because they were not concerned with the well-being of workers.
  • D The early labor unions failed because they could not agree on what they wanted to fight for.

此题是对主题思想的推理判断。其中concluded...based on the passage为关键词语。它要求读者避开过于细节性的选择,也不能选择过于笼统的答案,致使选项中包含的内容超越文章的范围。读者应抓住情节用排除法将与文章不相干的A(1986's工会鼎盛),C(不关心工人福利),D(未达成一致奋斗目标)选项排除掉。只有B项“工会经过多年(1869-1930)努力奋斗才改善了工人的工作条件”与文章内容一致。


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